Skin-Gut-Stamina Connection

Skin-Gut-Stamina Connection

You know how they say you should listen to your gut? Over the years, we have been learning more and more that our guts have a very strong hold on our overall health, and that includes our skin. Our world is a very ‘go-go-go’ one, and it isn’t often that we stop to consider what may be going on with our insides, and instead look for quick fixes for our skin and other parts of our bodies. But what if we gave you some simple and effective tips on how you can not only boost your overall health but make your gut & skin smile? On our latest Healthy Dose of Stamina Instagram Live, we spoke with Dr. Luciana Godoi, Functional Medical Nutritionist and Dietician, about the importance of taking control of what goes into your gut.

There is plenty of evidence that our health is critical for overall well-being. Many GI symptoms like constipation, bloating, diarrhea, malabsorption, migraines, burping, or intense gas can unsettle our gut and quality of life? In the time our food enters our mouth, until it is excreted, a lot happens within our organs and some of the above symptoms may be signs that something is not right. Our gut and nutritional dysfunction can also present as sleep, weight management, anxiety, focus and memory, hormonal as well as other physical and psychological problems. 

The Gut-Skin Axis

Believe it or not, your skin can also play a huge role in indications of a poor, unhealthy gut. Skin issues like acne, psoriasis and eczema, or anything related to the chronic disruption of the microbiome and inflammatory balance may be your body screaming out that your gut needs a check-in. Everything that is happening on the inside is reflective of the outside. If we experience any imbalances with our gut, our skin and hair is usually the first place we will notice problems, because of their strong microbial, inflammatory and nutrient-dependent connections.

Let’s Talk Food and Our Skin

  • Oils: Did you know that oil is considered a healthy liquid fat and can help your gut if you choose the right one? Americans are consuming a lot of refined oils, and these processed oils are causing a distorted ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids. A lot of people are consuming omega-6 fatty acids, but there aren’t enough who are also taking a good ratio of omega-3s. Your body cannot produce these so you need to consume them within your diet so that they can play an active role in processes like blood clotting and inflammation. The best thing you can do is reduce your omega-6 intake by avoiding seed and vegetable oils (etc. canola, corn, sunflower and soybeen). 
  • Food additives: It is no surprise that we are telling you that too many ingredients have been added to the American diet in the last 25 years that are causing a lot of disruption in the microbiome. High glycemic index diets (rich in sugar and processed carbohydrates) can diminish collagen and Elastin leading to accelerated skin aging, gut inflammation that can turn into acne breakouts and other chronic inflammatory skin conditions.
  • Saturated fats: Swapping saturated fats for unsaturated fats can help decrease the chaos you may be putting on your microbiome.  Examples of good unsaturated fats are nuts such as almonds, olive and peanut oils, and avocados. These are important for skin radiance and plumpness. The most common saturated fats that may be disturbing so many peoples’ guts is cheese, red meat, and butter. You can substitute butter with ghee, though, which is extremely beneficial. 
  • Trans fats: Replacing these trans fats (like margarine and butter) with healthy fats like avocado and seeds/nuts will reduce your chance of heart attack and reduce intestinal as well as skin inflammation.  
  • Pre-packaged foods and fast food: Stay away! These are often full of all of the bad ingredients that are harmful to not only your gut but your overall health. Unfortunately, these are the most affordable options for so many families, so minimize.
  • Simple carbs vs. complex: Sadly, too many people are told that they should ‘cut carbs’ if they want to get healthy. But this is not the case. Simple carbs, like glucose, are created by simple sugars that require little effort to break down and deliver instant accessible sugar to our bloodstream. This is what leads to blood sugar spikes and can have long-term damage to our metabolism. Some examples are candy, desserts, and juice.  However, complex carbs, such as whole grains or vegetables, require energy for our bodies to break down into usable forms. Some good starches for diet are sweet potatoes or pumpkin over regular potatoes, rice pasta over white rice, and whole wheat over regular bread or pasta. 
  • Protein: Protein is the building block for our structural cells and supports our collagen and elastin. With protein, consumption comes down to the quality of the meat. We recommend lean meats like turkey, avoiding meats with hormones and sticking to organic and grass-fed options, as well as adding in more omega-3s-rich meats like fish. 
  • Micronutrients and Supplements: This is where fruits and vegetables play an essential role of delivering vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber to give our bodies optimal structure and function. Some of us absorb these well, but some don’t and in these incidences, it is okay to use supplements that have an NFS certification. It Is important to consider starting multivitamins and additional supplements like omega 3s & 6s.  Some great supplements for our skin resilience are:
  • Vitamin D - immune and metabolic regulation 
  • Omegas (fish oil and flaxseed oil) - cell membrane building blocks. 
  • Probiotics - for gut-skin microbial balance, especially once containing Bifidobacterium
  • Hydrolyzed collagen - building blocks for collagen and elastin
    • Adaptogens: Added adaptogens to your supplement routine can boost your digestive system and greatly support your body’s and skin stress response. Some studied Adaptogens beneficial for the gut and skin, which improve skin stamina by enhancing stress tolerance and allowing the skin to thrive are:

    The benefits of these stress-adapting adaptogens are why Stamina includes them in our skincare line as Stamina Complex, to enhance skin balance, skin brilliance, and wellbeing. You can read more about skin adaptogens here.

    At Stamina, we believe in the action and mindset of nourishing our skin, but it isn’t enough when we also need to be aware of what we are consuming and nourishing on the inside. There are so many options from supplements to reaching out to a professional. Even the best diet doesn’t support our body and we need to pay attention to what it is telling us. If your skin story is closely related to gut feeling, listen up!

    How You Can Start Slowly on Your Gut Journey

    There are some quick, easy, and tactful habits you can implement into your routine to start addressing any gut issues you may be having and to simply live a healthier, fulfilled life. 

    • Choose simple when grocery shopping.
    • Pick two vegetables and fruits that you like and stick with those.
    • Choose one protein you can commit to.
    • Cook with organic extra virgin olive oil – a source of healthy fats, omegas, and antioxidants. 

    We hope that you choose today to start living your best life for you, your gut, and your skin. With the start of simple, good habits will come consistency and living with intention. Once you tackle your nutritional needs, tap into gratitude and affirmations that will add to your wellness routine. Our gut is incredibly smart and it gives us an alert when it is unhappy. When our gut tells us a story and then presents an issue, especially with our skin, you should put the puzzle pieces together and listen to your body. Follow Stamina @staminacosmetics and/or sign up for more healthy #DoseofStamina and advice on a journey to healthy, restorative skin and wellness.

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