Resilient Skin is Healthy and Beautiful Skin.
“My skin feels so broken out, blotchy, tired, blah 😒…I just wish my skin was more clear, refreshed and more resilient 😄! I’m just so tired, how can I get that skin balance?”
As a dermatologist, I commonly hear these complaints and requests from my patients at Precision Skin Institute. As a dermatologist, I can recommend a simple and smart skin care regimen to help with my patient’s skin health and beauty.
If our skin is challenged aka sensitive, reactive, problematic, stressed-out, tired and rapidly aging, it can use some Stamina Cosmetics® TLC to regain some grit, grace, and wellness. So if you have tired skin, sensitive skin, and reactive skin, look no further. Stamina Cosmetics® is your skin wellness solution.
Many of my patients with acne, maskne, rosacea, dermatitis, psoriasis, folliculitis, and other skin conditions manifest as skin irritations, breakouts, blemishes, as well as dry and dull complexion. This challenged skin can significantly benefit from the power of Stamina Cosmetics to heal and beautify.
Stamina Cosmetics® is designed for reactive skin with an ideal blend of gentle, yet powerful ingredients (such as Hypochlorous Acid) to deliver skin resilience, balance, and radiance. The Stamina Mist helps to purify and refresh skin. The Stamina Serum helps to restore skin equilibrium and clarity. And the Stamina MPP (mask, polish, and peel) enhances skin brightness and smoothness. The Stamina Trio is an energizing combo that revitalizes skin strength and glow.
My approach to skin care is generally Integrative. Stamina Cosmetics® is a great jumpstart to more healthier and attractive skin. Yet, combination of conventional and alternative therapies, along with Stamina Cosmetics, may be the optimal outcome to some resistant or stubborn skin issues.
Check out my Integrative Skin Care approach to skin grit and grace.
Also view our Stamina line up of resilience enhancing cosmetics for your skin.
Board Certified Dermatologist